New Direction


    I'm not much of a photographer, I'm used to recording moving pictures rather than taking still images. However I do occasionally do my own personal photoshoots so I'm not completely new to it, and photography and film share SOME similar techniques. 

    My main issue though, was picking my subject. Nothing was appealing to me at the time this project was assigned so it took me forever to actually get started on it. Eventually I had a lightbulb turn on in my brain when I really started to think about where I was in life.

    My life is rapidly approaching a metaphorical corner, college has been sending me through a certain path lately and now that I'm a senior and going to graduate soon, the path I'm walking is about to take a sharp turn. I decided to make my subject a shape, more specifically things with corners, or just corners themselves. 

    I've had a lot of personal battles with self-discovery lately, as I'm approaching a time of rapid change I'm still trying to dissect what type of person I am and what type of person I want to be. So approaching this corner of my life has been both self-fulfilling and extremely stressful, something I tried to convey in certain images.

"Amateurism seeks the development of the total awareness of the individual and the critical awareness of the groundrules of society" - McLuhan

    This quote brings a lot of thoughts to my head, in a sense I feel like I'm an amateur in everything as I get closer and closer to graduating. But a comforting thought that usually comes to mind is that in a sense, everyone is an amateur in life. Everyone is trying to develop themselves, even people much older than me aren't completely settled and have their life together entirely.


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