The End
janembaronii · The End "We hear sounds from everywhere, without ever having to focus. Sounds come from "above," from "below," from in "front" of us, from "behind" us, from our "right," from our "left." We can't shut out sound automatically" - McLuhan For this project I wanted to get back into making an audio project. Part of it is because I genuinely am interested in some fun, amateur voice acting. but also, because I felt like I needed to make something better to make up for my previous audio project. Not to say that project was bad, but more-so that I know for a fact it wasn't my best work, technically or creatively. So, I decided it was time for round 2. I used the Hurvis Audio Recording Suite to record this piece and edited it in adobe premiere and I can easily say that I am much prouder of this piece than my previous audio project. I was in the recording studio for over an hour recording different take...